【中古】【表紙説明書なし】[Wii]EA SPORTS グランドスラムテニス(GRAND SLAM TENNIS)(20090702)

【中古】【表紙説明書なし】[Wii]EA SPORTS グランドスラムテニス(GRAND SLAM TENNIS)(20090702)

■タイトル:EA SPORTS グランドスラムテニス(GRAND SLAM TENNIS)■機種:ウィーソフト(WiiGame)■発売日:2009/07/02■メーカー品番:RVL-P-R5TJ■JAN/EAN:4938833009463■メーカー:エレクトロニック・アーツ■ジャンル:スポーツ(テニス)■対象年齢:CERO A 全年齢対象■プレイ人数:1-4人■コメント:錦織圭で、マッケンローで、Wiiで遊ぶ、リアルなテニス。



ウィンブルドンのセンターコートでプレイできるのは『EA SPORTS グランドスラム テニス』だけ!テニス界で有名な選手であるジョン・マッケンロー、日本テニス期待の星、錦織圭選手も登場。


■権利表記:© 2009 Electronic Arts Inc. EA EA SPORTS and the EA SPORTS logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. All Rights Reserved. Grand Slam is a registered Trademark jointly owned by Australian Open US Open French Open and Wimbledon. Roland-Garros French Open is registered trademark of the French Tennis Federation. Used by permission. The USTA and the US Open Ball and Flame design are registered trademarks of the United States Tennis Association. The Tennis Australia logo and the Australian Open logo are registered trademarks of Tennis Australia Ltd and must not be reproduced or otherwise used in whole or in part without the prior written consent of Tennis Australia Ltd. Approved by the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club Wimbledon. Reebok RBK and the Vector Logo are registered trademarks of Reebok and are used under license by Electronic Arts Inc. All sponsored products and company names brand names and logos are the property of their respective owners. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.★







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【期間限定無料ラッピングサポート実施中】【中古】[Wii]EA SPORTS グランドスラムテニス(GRAND SLAM TENNIS)



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